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Latitude64 Moonshine Zero Medium Pure

Latitude64 Moonshine Zero Medium Pure

Regular price $32.99 NZD
Regular price Sale price $32.99 NZD
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The Pure is a modern classic in the putt and approach department. The disc was co-designed with Jesper Lundmark and features a comfortable grip and a medium deep rim, with minimum fade for the ultimate putting experience. Left, straight or right; it will hold any line on your approach shots. Elevate your game around the basket with the Pure.
About Zero Medium:
Zero Line is the soft grippy putter plastic used in our putters and approach discs. The plastic is chosen because of the good grip and feel. Zero Medium is right between Zero Soft and Zero Hard.

About Moonshine:
Moonshine is made from the same durable plastic but with added glow material. 

Speed: 3
Glide: 3
Turn: -1
Fade: 1


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